Annual General Meeting

Ice Skating Victoria's 111th Annual General Meeting will be on Thursday 16 May 2024.

The current ISV Board Directors can be found below

Vacancies At the ISV AGM 2024, there are four (4) positions available for election on the ISV Board: three (3) positions for a two (2) year term, and one (1) position for a one (1) year term.

Google Meet link:

Apology form if you are unable to attend the AGM:

Nominees for the 2024 AGM:
1. Diane Di Gemma
2. Juliette Wu

About ISV

About ISV

Ice Skating Victoria Incorporated (ISV) is the state administrative body for all disciplines of figure skating in Victoria.

The Board

The ISV Board has nine elected Directors who fill three executive roles and six general Director positions.


The policies of Ice Skating Victoria (ISV) govern how the sport of Figure Skating is run in the state.